
This is a well presented web-site where you can find out about all aspects of the Industrial Revolution including causes of industrial revolution, transport, inventors, living conditions and agricultural revolution.

Play the interactive game “Who wants to be a Cotton millionaire?” with a host of links on the right hand side of the page to related topics including animations.

Click on the toolbar on the left hand side of the page to find out more. Topics include a timeline, inventors, who was who, engineers, conditions for workers, transport, etc.

This is an easy to use web-site with a detailed account of all aspects of the Industrial Revolution in Britain. There are some excellent illustrations and photographs.

From the same site this page examines the development of industry using primary accounts and illustrations. Click on the sections menu at the side of the page to find out more about the different topics listed. Use the Rich Media Scene option to view the topics.

Excellent student site from the Science Museum in Britain looking at the development of the Industrial Town in Britain. Use of Rich Media Scene as animations are impressive.

Student website with a collection of articles on the Textiles Industry in the 18th and 19th Century Britain. Topics covered include the different types of textiles, inventors and inventions, life in a textile factory, child labour and accounts of factory workers.


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