Why the Reformation occurred?
Article from a British student website that examines the Catholic Church on the eve of the Reformation.

BBC article that examines the causes of the Reformation in Europe.

Special Study - Luther
Excellent English language version of a German website about Luther’s life and times. Interesting section about legends associated with Luther. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/luther_martin.shtml
Profile of Luther from the BBC historic figures website – easy to understand http://www.pbs.org/empires/martinluther/index.html
American website to accompany PBS TV series about Luther. Designed for students with a good interactive feature about the life of a monk at the time.
Interesting examination of the life of Martin Luther.

Privately run website with a detailed biography of different periods of Luther’s life in the form of a timeline.

John Calvin
Good profile of the life of Calvin from a US university.

Examination of career of John Calvin from a British educational website designed for students.

Very useful site with short biography and an examination of Calvin’s career under headings such as failure, why he was so unpopular and his defining moment.

Reform in Britian
BBC Article that looks at the English Reformation

Another BBC site that looks at the Reformation in Scotland

Guide to life in Tudor England – al aspects of life covered in a student-friendly manner.

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