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Urban and Rural Life

147 images of many different aspects of Dublin life at the time of the Strike in 1913.

Images of Cork before 1940 from the collection of the Cork Camera Club.

Photographs of Dublin in the 1950s from the RTE Archive.

From the UCD Archives this is a collection of photographs of life in the countryside between 1909 and 1913 taken by Harold Barbour. Click on the topics at the top of the piece to see the images. Each image can then be clicked on to enlarge it.

http://www.clarelibrary.ie/eolas/coclare/history/shannon_hydroelectric_scheme Profile of the building of the Shannon Hydroelectric scheme from the Clare County Library with good images.

Status of Women

Seventeen TV clips from the RTE archives that looks at the changing role of women in different areas of Irish life such as employment. Each clip has brief notes explaining what it is about.

Online version of an excellent resource folder produced for school called Discovering Women in Irish History – click on The Vote or Independent Ireland in the index on the left to find more relevant material with loads of short primary sources/


History of Transport in Ireland from the CIE website.

History of Dublin Airport.

Shannon Airport.


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