Life in Ancient Rome

Your chance to act as a detective and help solve a Roman murder mystery using Archaeological evidence.

This BBC website tells you all about Roman society and life in Roman Britain.

This is an American website and is specially designed to tell students all about the Romans. It is full of colourful pictures and illustrations.

This site gives you a summary of all the Romans have done for us. There are also lots of games and quizzes you can play.

The Illustrated History of the Roman Empire is an excellent site containing information on all aspects of Roman History, daily life, the emperors, etc.

Interesting website called the Roman Empire – designed by students for students.

Channel 4 microsite about Ancient Rome called AD 1 that accompanied a series of programmes on the topic. It includes a game based on chariot racing in the Circus Maximus.

A look at daily life in Ancient Rome with the help of artefacts, mosaics and murals preserved in Pompeii.

Interesting piece from the Discovery Channel– a video documentary based on the account of Pliny the Younger about the eruption of Vesuvius n 79AD:

Find out everything that you wanted to know about the Roman army at this site called An Illustrated Guide to the Ancient Roman Military.

This is a microsite from the History Channel to accompany a programme called Rome: Engineering an Empire. Its highlights include an animated tour of some of the most famous buildings of Rome, a photo gallery and a video gallery based on clips from the programme.


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