Early Ireland

On the Heritage Ireland website click on the map to find the historical sites in your area.

Website that accompanied a joint RTE and PBS (US educational station) programme called In Search of Ancient Ireland. It examines Irish History from the Stone Age up to the Early Christian period. Includes maps and video clips from the programme.

Stone and Bronze Age Ireland
Stone Pages is a detailed site about the Stone Age in Europe including Ireland. Terms relating to the Stone Age are explained and there is a very good links page. Highlight is the pictures of hundreds of Neolithic tombs.

At this site you can find out what Stone and Bronze Age remains are near you. Each entry has brief notes about the monument and photographs.

Interesting examination of the Mesolithic period that looks at 10 aspects of life at the time.

And the Neolithic from the same website.

Good information about Mount Sandal from the BBC Radio Ulster programme called A Short History of Ireland.

Website of the official visitor centre for Newgrange with interesting information about the tomb. Find out how you could be in the tomb on the 21st of December when the sun lights up the chamber. Information on the other famous passage graves of Knowth and Dowth as well.

There is a short summary of the main detail about Newgrange at this address.

6 minute BBC video clip examining Mount Sandal near Coleraine in Derry. This video shows how archaeology helps us to understand our past. There is also a short feature on carbon dating.


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