A collection of postcards showing events and personalities from the1916 Rising. Notes accompany each postcard.

This site has many primary sources for all aspects of 20th century Irish history.

On the home page, click on “For Junior Cert History Resources”. There are excellent websites on the 1916 Rising and War of Independence. The latter has film footage on the shooting dead of Sean Treacy, an IRA leader.

Independent Ireland

Short biographies of the different men who have served as head of governments since 1922 from the official website of the Department of the Taoiseach

Detailed examination of the meeting of the First Dáil from the RTE website that includes audio and video files.

Online gallery of 17 images relating to career of W.T Cosgrave

Online encyclopaedia account of life in Ireland during World War II

Three page history of the Irish State since its foundation

Biography of Sean Lemass from Wikipedia

1963 Time Magazine profile of Ireland called Lifting the Green Curtain. It concentrates on Ireland’s economic development and the influence of Sean Lemass

Very impressive examination of the career of Eamon de Valera that is divided into 4 phases: Early life, Leader, President and Death. The Early Life and leader sections are the most relevant. There are a number of radio clips to listen to and find out more about his actions





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