At this site you can hear two of Hitler’s speeches about the Jews. There is a translation to help you understand the speech. You need Real Player to hear them.
Large number of visual examples of Nazi propaganda at this American University website.
This is an exhibit about the 1936 Olympics from the US Holocaust Museum in Washington.
Another exhibit from the same website about Kristallnacht: the pogrom against the Jews of Germany in November 1938.
Biography of Anne Frank from the website of the museum named in her honour in Amsterdam.

Websites about Communist Russia
Very student friendly website about the Gulags with primary documents and images.
A Library of Congress exhibit called “Revelations from the Russian Archives” dealing with terror in the Soviet Union.
From the National Archives in Britain that examines Joseph Stalin and the Industrialisation of Russia. Good student-friendly material.
Website called Seventeen Moments in Soviet History. Click on dates at top of the page to find out more about events such as the 1917 Revolution, the New Economic Policy, and the Purges etc. There are visual sources with many of the entries.
You can find out more about the historical background to the famous novel Animal Farm


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