
A very useful website from the National Roads Authority about archaelogy and the work carried out during road buildings.

Site from the National Park Service in the US called Archaelogy for Kids - very easy to follow.

Website of the very popular Time Team programme on Channel 4. Click on the Archaelogy Uncovered tab on the left of the page to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the topic.

BBC website dedicated to archaelogy with a large collection of articles and some interesting interactive features including a quiz and reconstruction.

Details on the major monuments in Ireland - see if there is one near you!

Easy to follow website about Tutankhamen called the Mysteries of Egypt

Website of the National Museum of Ireland where many archaeological finds are put on display.

A one-page examination of what we learn about life in Viking Dublin as a result of archaeological discoveries.

Animated game called Hunt the Ancestor where you try to uncover the remains before the developers and the bulldozers move in!

Website called the Young Archaeologists’ Club designed for students between the ages of 8 and 16 who are interested in Archaeology – from the website of the Council for British Archaeology http://www.britarch.ac.uk/

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