Very informative guide from the Ch4 history website called The Time Travellers Guide to Medieval Britain.

Excellent resource about the Middle Ages in Britain from Timelines TV. There are usually four short clips on each of the following (Flash required):
The Medieval Manor:            http://www.timelines.tv/ipA01.html
Medieval Towns:                  http://www.timelines.tv/ipA01.html
Monastic Life:                       http://www.timelines.tv/ipA04.html
The Black Death:                  http://www.timelines.tv/ipA05.html
The Normans                       http://www.timelines.tv/ipB01.html

Take a virtual tour of some of the most famous castles in Britain.

A collection of interesting facts about Knights – the tanks of the Middle Ages.

Interesting student site from PBS called Medieval Siege that accompanies a TV programme where a team of experts try to build a giant medieval catapult called a trebuchet. Interactive features include a game where you design your own trebuchet (click on Destroy the Castle).

3 pages of some of the worst or disgusting jobs in the Middle Ages from the Ch 4 site The Worst Jobs in History .


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