The American War of Independence http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/learning_history/revolution
An examination of different aspects of the war including an interesting piece on the historical accuracy of the film The Patriot.

Very good examination of the life of George Washington from the American public service broadcaster, PBS. Tabs - Father of his Country, Timeline and the Washington Collection are very useful. Detail on his entire career up to his death in 1799.

These newspaper Chronicles let you experience first-hand the excitement and uncertainty of the American Revolution as it happened. Click on a city to read about the riveting historical headlines that shaped the war and America. From the excellent PBS website about the US Revolution called “Liberty – Chronicle of the Revolution.”

Article from the BBC history website about the causes, course and consequences of the War of Independence. Links on right-hand of the page to articles and websites of interest.

Very interesting site from the University of Michigan about spying during the war. Contains an excellent timeline of the Revolution. There are short biographies of the main figures, stories of spies, spying methods and a gallery of spy letters.

The founders guide offers short bios on the women and men who led the colonies to independence, which drafted the Declaration of Independence, and later wrote the U.S. Constitution.

Excellent website from the Smithsonian Institute about Washington with a very good interactive sections for students. Click on Patriot Papers and Portrait for Kids to find out more.

Very interesting online chapter from the Biography of America video series about the US War of Independence. Includes a timeline and transcript of the series, an analysis of a contemporary cartoon, a map and web links.

A very professional site from the US National Archives and Records Administration that examines the Declaration of Independence and the US constitution.


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