Q and a
(i)        2,000,000
(ii)       Yes = 1 Mark and  Evidence = 1 Mark
The hovels of the poor people / of the most miserable description /
The elderly miserably clothed / the children all but naked, etc

(i)        Rise in population:
Dublin / Belfast / Cork. (1)
Fall in population:
If part of a county shows a fall greater than 30% than all of the county is valid.
Galway / Mayo / Sligo / Roscommon / Leitrim / Clare / Cork / Limerick, etc
Also valid: West of Ireland / Connacht / Munster. (1)
Cork experienced both a rise and a fall greater than 30%’ = 2 marks

(ii)       Public works / Soup kitchens were set up / Cheap or free “Indian meal” was distributed / They were encouraged to enter the workhouse / Landlords and Boards of Guardians helped some people to emigrate / Charitable organizations provided food and clothing.(4)

(a) Housing and diet.

  • As a general rule, factory workers lived near where they worked.  Their houses were usually very bad especially if they lived in the fast growing factory towns.
  • The areas where many workers lived were referred to as slums.  Some families lived in one room. Some even lived in cellars. 
  • There was very poor sanitation. As many as a hundred houses shared one toilet- a pit dug in the ground.
  • Disease spread rapidly which especially affected the young.
  • Some factory owners such as Robert Owen built good houses for their workers but this was quite rare. Many were poorly constructed to save money.
  • Factory workers had a limited diet. The most common food they eat was bread, potatoes and porridge. Tea was drunk with meals.
  • Meat was rarely eaten. Mutton and bacon might be served in the factory canteen


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Section 13