Q and a

Chapter 1 (Page 301 Exam Question 3)

Write about a Unionist leader in Ulster who opposed Home Rule in the early 20th century.

Edward Carson, a Dublin born lawyer, was one of the main leaders of the Unionist Party who opposed Home Rule. This party did not want a Home Rule parliament in Dublin because

1). They believed that “Home Rule was Rome Rule” which meant that a parliament in Dublin with a Catholic majority would discriminate (treat unfairly) against Protestants.

2). They believed that a Home Rule parliament would ruin their economic prosperity, which depended on industries such as shipbuilding and linen. These industries depended on free access to the British market. Home Rule might put this access in danger.

They were called Unionists as they wanted Ireland to continue to be ruled directly from the British parliament in London.

When the Parliament Act was passed, it meant that Home Rule would be granted in two years.

As leader of the Unionist Party, Carson organised demonstrations against Home Rule. The most famous demonstration was the signing of the “Solemn League and Covenant” in 1912, by 240,000 men and 230,000 women. They promised to use very means possible, including violence to resist Home Rule.

The Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) was set up to train men to resist through force. By 1914 they had 100,000 men. Guns and ammunition were landed in Larne to arm the UVF.

Carson was a great orator and inspired people with his speeches. When World War I began in 1914 Home Rule was postponed until the end of the war. The British prime minister, Asquith, had persuaded Redmond, the Home Rule leader, that some parts of Ulster would be excluded from Home Rule. This is called partition. This shows the success of Carson and the Unionists in opposing Home Rule.

After the war, the Government of Ireland Act was passed in 1920. Six of the counties of Ulster were given their own Home Rule parliament. Carson refused to become the first prime minister of Northern Ireland and retired. The other main leader of the Unionists, James Craig, became prime minister.




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