Q and a

Chapter 1

2.Source Question: German Reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

Read the following three extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Source A.
'We know the power of the hatred which we encounter here, and we have heard the passionate demand that the victors may make us pay as the defeated…It is demanded from us that we shall confess ourselves to be the only ones guilty of the War. Such a confession in my mouth will be a lie...
The German Foreign Minister’s reply to the presentation of the Treaty, 17th May, 1919

Source B.
Today in the Hall of Mirrors the disgraceful Treaty is being signed. Do not forget it! The German people will, with constant labour, press forward to reconquer the place among the nations to which it is entitled.
Deutsche Zeitung (German News) June 28th 1919

Source C.
The criminal madness of this peace [The Versailles Treaty] will drain Germany's national life-blood. It is a shameless blow in the face of common-sense. It is inflicting the deepest wounds on us Germans as our world lies in wreckage about us.
Speech by a German MP in parliament, 1919


  1. From Source A what did the German foreign minister say “will be a lie”?
  2. According to Source B what does the newspaper predict the German people will do?
  3. In Source C how did the German MP criticise the Treaty in his speech?
  4. What do the three sources say about the general reaction of Germans to the Treaty of Versailles?

3.         Write an account on two of the following:
(a)        The aims of the leaders at the Paris Peace Conference
(b)       The main points of the Treaty of Versailles
(c)        Reaction to the Treaty in Germany and Italy.

4.         Do you think the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh? Give two reasons to support your answer.

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