Q and a

Chapter 1

1. Source Question
The following is an excerpt from “In Praise of Folly” by Erasmus
Perhaps it would be wise to pass over the theologians (professors of religion) in silence. That short-tempered and arrogant crew is unpleasant to deal with. . . . They will proclaim me a heretic (an unbeliever). With this thunderbolt they terrify the people they don't like. Their opinion of themselves is so great that they behave as if they were already in heaven; they look down pityingly on other men as so many worms.  
Next to the theologians in happiness are those who commonly call themselves the religious and monks. The names are a false description, since most of them stay as far away from religion as possible, and no people are seen more often in public. They are so detested that it is considered bad luck if one crosses your path, and yet they are highly pleased with themselves. They cannot read, and so they consider it the height of holiness to have no contact with literature.... The monks of certain orders draw back in horror from money, as if it were poison, but not from wine or women.
Source: http://www.historyguide.org/

a. How does Erasmus accuse the theologians of dealing with people that they do not like?
b. According to Erasmus what opinion do theologians have of themselves?
c. Give three criticisms that Erasmus made of the “religious and monks”.
d. Is this account a primary or secondary source of information? Explain your answer.


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Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
section 12
Section 13