Q and a

Write an account of the life of a craftsman in a medieval town. Use the following headings: training, house and shop, daily life, entertainment.

• Hello! My name is Tom son of John. It is 1300 and I am a carpenter living in Wexford.
Training: I became an apprentice at 12years and worked for seven years with a master carpenter to learn my trade. After that I became a journeyman. I was now paid for my work and I travelled to different parts of the country picking up tips on how to work with wood.
• Last year I made a beautiful table as my ‘Masterpiece and the carpenter’s guild made me a master craftsman

The guild: Now that I am a member of a guild I can vote for the town corporation. The guild sets the standards of work we have to meet and the prices we can charge.
• I had to pay a lot of money to get into the guild but they will look after me when I’m old and even pay for my funeral

House and shop: My shop is right out on the street and I live above it with my wife. She helps me and we open from dawn till dusk when the curfew bell rings. Then we have to put out the fire and the candles.

Daily life: I get my materials from the market down in the square on Thursdays. Once a year we have a huge fair where merchants and craftspeople come from all over to trade. Some come from as far away as Russia!

• There are stalls selling all kinds of things like food, ribbons, knives furs and silks. The acrobats and bear baiting are good too.

Pastimes: Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holy Days are free. I love watching the wrestling, bearbaiting and playing chess, draughts or cards. Sometimes I call to the local alehouse for a drink.


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