Q and a

Source E
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English
The kings of Spain and Portugal have enlarged their kingdoms, greatly enriched themselves and their subjects, and trebled the size of their navies. If we follow, there will be huge demand for English cloth, with great benefit for all those who work in the trade. A great number of men, but also children and women, who now have no work, will be found employment in making things which can be traded with those who live in new lands.
See what islands and ports you might find by sailing to the north-east, for it would be good that we should have the control over our own trade routes to India and China, and so bring ourselves great riches.
First and foremost…spread the happy news of Jesus to those who know nothing of him.
Second…teach them about our knowledge of farming.

B. Source E
Give two reasons why the writer encouraged voyages of discovery by English sailors. (4)

Any Two reasons from the document.
The kings of Spain and Portugal have greatly benefited from voyages / Would increase demand for English cloth / Would lead to great employment / Gain control over trade routes / Great riches / Spread of Christianity.

Mention two dangers sailors faced on voyages such as these. (4)

Two dangers – but no harm to give three.
Shipwreck / Disease / Shortage of drinking water, etc

Part C.
Write an account of one of the following topics:

One account. 6 points per answer
10 + 2 marks

Sample Answer

  • The conflicts between European powers as a result of the voyages.

Spain and Portugal were the first to come into dispute over their discoveries. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the unknown world between them.  However they were still rivals and the Portuguese guarded the route to the Spice Islands and imprisoned one of Magellan’s ships when they captured it there.


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