Q and a

Write about a lady in a Medieval castle?

Lady of the castle

• In medieval times, the main role of the lady of the castle was to marry and have children. A noble woman did not marry for love. Her parents arranged her marriage like a business contract. They would give her a dowry. It could be money, cattle or household utensils. In return her husband would agree to support her for the rest of her life.
• The lady lived in the keep with her lord and family. The castle had 3 storeys. Food and weapons were stored in the basement. On the ground floor there was the Great Hall. The lord entertained here and tried criminals. The upper floor was the family’s private quarters
Clothes: She wore a long dress made of fine wool or silk and a headdress called a wimple. Shoes were made of leather and had pointy toes.
Food: The lady ate mainly meat and some pottage (vegetable soup with porridge).She had two meals a day at about 12pm and 4pm in the Great Hall.
Work: Noble women did a lot of work. They had to run a large household. This meant she had to do accounts, have food supplies in and look after servants. They also learned how to use herbs to cure illnesses. They had to look after and defend the castle when their lord was away.
Pastimes: They could spin and weave, do needlework and embroidery and play music in their solar. They made beautiful tapestries (carpets that were hung on walls). Many liked to go hawking. This was where a hawk was trained to sit on the lady’s shoulder and hunt other birds. Ladies also enjoyed attending tournaments. At night she listened to court jesters and minstrels.


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