Q and a

(b) Culture and customs.

  • The settlers came to outnumber the native Irish. They succeeded in introducing the English language and English and Scottish customs into Ulster. There was a strong connection between Ulster and Scotland that has remained to this day.
  • All of the best land was in the hands of English and Scottish settlers.  There was a gradual change from the Gaelic practice of pasture farming to the growing of crops called tillage farming.
  • The settlers introduced towns into Ulster. Separate quarters then developed for the settlers and the native Irish who were not allowed within the walls of the towns, e.g. the Bogside in Derry. Generally the Gaelic Irish were far poorer than the settlers and lived in smaller houses.

(c) Religion.

    • The Protestant settlers soon came to outnumber the native Irish.
    • The Scottish settlers introduced Presbyterianism to Ireland. The English settlers were members of the Church of Ireland. Attempts were made to outlaw Catholicism completely.
    • This division between the Catholic natives and the Protestant settlers was the cause of great bitterness.  This was shown in 1641 when the Gaelic Irish in Ulster rebelled and killed over 4,000 of the settlers.
    • In the 18th century the Penal Laws were passed that were directed against Catholics although there were a number of laws against Presbyterians.
    • This religious hatred has remained to this day and contributed to events such as the Troubles.

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