Q and a

C. Exam tip: Very tough question. Students only received two marks if they wrote about the actual revolution. Six points were needed

(a) The impact of the American War of Independence on France.
The American war of Independence had a very important effect on France.

  • France military aid helped the Americans to win the war.
  • French troops in America were impressed by American ideas of liberty and democracy and they brought these ideas back to France.
  • For example the Marquis de Lafayette who fought in America was an early leader of the revolution.
  • Because of the cost of helping the Americans, France was nearly bankrupt.  King Louis XVI wanted to raise money by taxing the nobles. The nobles resisted this and forced the king to call an Estates General.
  •  Like the Americans the Third Estate felt they were being taxed unfairly and they wanted a greater say in the government of France.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man was strongly influenced by the American constitution. 


(b) The influence of the French Revolution on Ireland.
Many people in Ireland welcomed the French Revolution.

  • They were inspired by the aims of liberty, equality and fraternity. They celebrated Bastille Day.
  • Wolfe Tone hoped that the ideals of the French Revolution could be brought to Ireland. He wanted to set up a republic as the French had done. He was involved in setting up the United Irishmen in Belfast to promote these ideas. 
  • He went to France where he tried to get support for a revolt in Ireland. The French sent a fleet to Bantry Bay in 1796 but it could not land because of bad weather.
  • The English worried about the United Irishmen and the possibility of a French landing started a reign of terror in Ireland.
  • The French sent troops in 1798 that landed at in Co. Mayo but there were too few and they were defeated.
  • Many of the other leaders of the 1798 rebellion e.g. Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Bagenal Harvey were also inspired by the French Revolution.




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