Q and a

A. (i) Must say Opponent for 1 mark. Reason from the source for a further mark.

Showing British soldiers killing civilians, etc.

(ii) Apart from the Boston Massacre, give two reasons why the American colonies revolted against British rule in 1775.

Exam tip: Remember that events = causes. Each reason is worth 2 marks

Opposition to the Stamp Act / Britain was imposing taxes on them without consulting them / Britain cut the colonies off from all trade with the British Empire / The passing of the Intolerable Acts / Boston Tea Party etc.

B. Source E and Source F

(i) One reason for 2 marks
Literal interpretation “he is reaching for a gun” = 1 mark

The Third Estate (ordinary people) is rising against them, etc.

(ii) Two rights for 2 marks
Liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression.

(iii) From the Declaration, identify two freedoms enjoyed by the citizens of France? (2)
Exam tip: Do not be afraid to give three.
To talk freely / to write freely / to publish freely, etc

(iv) Exam tip: This wasa difficult question that caught many students out.
Rousseau / Voltaire.





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Section 4
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Section 8
Section 9
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Section 11
section 12
Section 13